Saturday, November 27, 2010

Finally I made me a cup of coffee tonight only to find out what I thought was instant coffee was not! Ugh! So off to the market we went for instant coffee.

We are back in Kyiv waiting for our 3rd SDA appointment. We had been in another region spending time with two little boys that we thought would be coming home with us but...they are not. Family members became a problem while we were there. It's ok-we know that God has a better plan for our family. Before our night time visit to the orphange I prayed that if God didn't want us to adopt these boys then to please put an obstacle in our way and sure enough He did. We showed up for visitation time and the boys mom had been there along with the grandmothers earlier in the day. When you ask God for something you better be ready to listen even when you don't understand. After this happened I called our facilatator in tears and she suggessted that we get ready to come back to Kyiv, so we did. No, this wan't easy but we know that God's plans are better than ours. So, now we wait again for our appointment. Please continue to pray for us as we continue on this Faith Journey of adoption.


  1. Praying for you! What a journey this is - I admire your patience and firm faith in the Lord and His plan for you. You are telling a great story and how exciting to watch it unfold!

    (ps, sorry about the coffee... - did't think you could get "non" instant coffee).

  2. Hey, Kirk and Sherrie,
    Praying steadfastly; Thought and prayed for y'all all during church today... every song and every prayer was a reminder that God is always faithful; He holds you in His hands; He knows all things; and will always finish everything He begins. Knowing that God is leading you on this journey, keep the faith. I'm praying that a child will be blessed through this!

  3. Keep following His leading. We may not always understand what God is doing, but He always works things together for what He knows is good for us. We are praying for you.
