Friday, December 17, 2010


As we got to the Orphange tonight the door was locked to Mason's hall where we nomally pick him up to visit. We had to wait for someone to open the door and you could hear children trying to unlock the door and they all were communicating to one another about who was on the other side of the door. Our facilitator proceeded to tell us that Mason was telling everyone that is my parents out there. WOW! you better believe that thrilled our hearts. He asked lots of questions tonight about going home. He told us that he was ready to leave (all in Russian) and would we take him forever. He also wanted to know if he would get to ride an airplane and would Micah be coming with us. We would have loved to told him that we were going home tonight on an aiplane and with Micah but our facilitator told him that we still had about 17 days or so left and then Mama and Papa would take them home. As you can tell he is very ready to leave and unite with his new family and friends. God is good!

We did find out some good news this evening. Our facilitator had to go to the region where the boys were born and give the inspector an invitation to court. Which meant that even though their mother has no legal rights she could have shown up for court and caused issues. We were thrilled when the inspector signed a form to decline being in court. This meant that their should not be any issues with family members and the region where the boys were born approves of the adoption. It is amazing on how many people have to sign off when you are adopting.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue on this Faith Journey of adoption!

Countdown to court: 7 more days!


  1. He is a cutie! I found your blog through James and Sheri. I know that little girl in the photo:) Our two daughters are from the same orphanage as their two daughters. They were all close friends.

    So glad you found your boys and will be taking them home soon. We missed Christmas 2007 with our boys, but they are over it now.

    Looking forward to hearing about how court goes.

